Working Hours Monday - Friday 08:00-16:00
Toll Free 1800.899.900

Dura-Shade Turf

Opening Times
Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Customer Service
Exeter: 01392 984977 - Plymouth: 01752 936932

Dura-Shade Turf

Dura shade turf was a new addition to our turf nursery in 2014.
This turf is outstanding due to its lateral spreading stolons. The stolons self repair damage quickly and create a strong a durable turf. The biggest benefit of this turf is it's shade tolerance. It is the most shade tolerant grass available. This grass will cope well in sun or shade, rain or drought, is durable but looks great and is slower growing and lower maintenance than a standard lawn turf. For extreme drought tolerance please enquire about our deep rooting, waterwise RTF turf. We only have a small quantity of RTF so please check on stock levels. Apart from the RTF's extreme drought tolerance, the Supreme is a far superior turf in every other way. Our Dura Shade turf is more expensive than our standard turf, however the availability of the seed is very low so it is extremely expensive however, it is worth the extra cost and is increasingly being chosen by our customers.

@ £5.40 per square metre including VAT